Something’s “Phishy”! – Part 1
If I wanted to hack your business, I’d start with phishing your employees. The odds would be in my favor because it is one of the easiest and most effective ways to attack someone. And I only need to be right once – while your users can’t afford a single mistake.
READ MORE »February 5, 2025
Pitfalls to Avoid in Your Cyber Journey
Many businesses are sitting down right now to finalize budgets and lay out their plans and goals for the new year.
For those focused on creating a more formal cybersecurity approach to address cyber risk, I thought I’d share a few tips I’ve learned from years of helping people through the process.
November 13, 2024
Challenges Selling Solutions for Cyber Risk
Hear about common challenges when talking to prospects about cyber risk and ways to begin addressing them proactively.
READ MORE »October 23, 2024
AI’s Impact on Cyber Risks
The AI buzz isn’t dying down! For Cybersecurity Awareness Month, we revisit this post from earlier this year with some small updates.
READ MORE »October 10, 2024
Mitigating Third-Party Security Risks
To function as a business today, we need technology. And the odds are pretty high that you get that technology from a third party.
It used to feel like you could just consider the other businesses’ reputation and take them on their word that you were safe from risks.
Today, we know that’s not really how things work and we now need to do our due diligence in validating that trust we have in them.
October 2, 2024
Is the NPD Breach NBD? How Your SSN Is at Risk From This and Other Major Breaches
“No big deal!” Maybe this thought ran through your head after reading recent headlines about the National Public Data (NPD) being breached.
When big breaches like this are a regular headline, it’s easy to shrug it off. So I wouldn’t blame anyone for feeling that way.
Today, we’ll talk about what this means and share some tips on how to say, “No big deal!” to big breaches with a bit more confidence than just complacency.
August 28, 2024
Should I Offer Personal Cyber?
I’ve been getting this question more and more. Agencies I’ve been talking to are seeing the writing on the wall…
August 7, 2024
JKD for Sales: What Martial Arts Taught Me About Business
What is JKD? Jeet Kune Do is Bruce Lee’s form of martial arts and his philosophies are woven into the art.
I’ve been training in mixed martial arts (MMA) for almost 14 years now, with JKD being the root art behind it all. So much of what I’ve learned has translated into so many other areas of my life.
Join me today as I share some of the key lessons that anyone can learn from – even if you can’t punch through a wet paper bag!
July 25, 2024
Motorcycles and Cyber: Why the Decision to Give up My Bike Also Caused Me to Change My Sales Approach
I miss my bike on days like this… So, what do motorcycles have to do with cyber and why I changed my sales approach?
It all comes down to risk tolerance and the order in which we process decisions.
July 15, 2024
Data Security Requirements for Insurance – A Short Guide
What requirements does my agency have to worry about?
This is a question I’d get constantly over the years helping agencies with cybersecurity and compliance. It’s an important one to ask because this sets the bar for what you should be doing.
July 1, 2024

Tackling A Hard Market
As insurance agencies fight through today’s hard market, success will depend on those that find creative ways to add more value and differentiate themselves from

Challenges Selling Solutions for Cyber Risk
Up until 6 years ago, I was able to get by in sales with a combination of my people skills, good problem-solving skills (especially around

AI’s Impact on Cyber Risks
Ever since AI first became more available just over a year ago, it’s been on the tip of everyone’s tongue. However, I don’t hear very

2024 Cybersecurity and Cyber Liability Predictions
I’m dusting off my crystal ball to peak a bit into the future for today’s article. I’ve been seeing a lot of optimism about 2024.

Overcoming the Buyer’s Challenge
This article is related to a larger discussion about the “Buyer’s Challenge” and related scenarios that can occur. In this post, we talk about ways

The Buyer’s Challenge – Part 5
This article is related to a larger discussion about the “Buyer’s Challenge” and references topics introduced in the main article here: The Buyer’s Challenge If