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HRFIO – Episode 3 – Marissa Rutkowski

HRFIO – Episode 3 – Marissa Rutkowski

This episode get’s very personal and is for everyone out there as we explore Mental Health (May is Mental Health Awareness Month)

Join Marissa Rutkowski and Ryan as they discuss their experiences as caretakers, balancing that with work, the importance of self-care and more!  

There is so much in here for everyone and so many great topics we touch on.  

Given the nature of the topic, some of the conversation may stir up some emotions and gets deeply personal. We share our experiences to help others that need to hear it and those that have people in their lives dealing with these challenges.

Be sure to follow Marissa and check out other resources and people we mentioned in this podcast episode:

Marissa Rutkowski, Sr. Business Solutions Director at Applied

Marissa is also on the board for Insure Equality, another great program supporting people in the insurance industry.

Ryan shares some of his experiences as a parent-caretaker and as a father of a special needs child, learn more about that journey here: Facing Trauma and PTSD 

Also, mentioned in this episode were others in the insurance industry that are doing work to build awareness and open dialogues around mental health. We mention the following and the amazing session they contributed to at AppliedNet in 2023: 

  • Ryan Deeds, Enable
  • Brenden Core, Loss Run Pros
  • Justin Goodman, Total CSR

Thank you for listening!


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Have Ryan Figure It Out

"Have Ryan Figure It Out" is a problem solving podcast dedicated to exploring challenges with our guests across a wide range of topics.

The conversations and guests are chosen to appeal to a broad audience and will cover topics in business, motivation or self-improvement, cybersecurity, insurance, and much more.

Join us as we explore challenges and figure this all out together!


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