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HRFIO – Episode 2 – Brenden Smith

HRFIO – Episode 2 – Brenden Smith

Brenden Smith is the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) at FirstBank and has a wealth of information that every listener should hear. 

Listen in as we talk about what it’s like protecting a bank from cyber criminals, who is attacking us, what the dark web is all about, and much more! 

Have any questions? Post them in the comments on YouTube or LinkedIn. We’d love to hear them and help get you answers.


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Have Ryan Figure It Out

"Have Ryan Figure It Out" is a problem solving podcast dedicated to exploring challenges with our guests across a wide range of topics.

The conversations and guests are chosen to appeal to a broad audience and will cover topics in business, motivation or self-improvement, cybersecurity, insurance, and much more.

Join us as we explore challenges and figure this all out together!


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