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Simplify Cyber Risk

Explain, Understand, and Solve Cyber Risk

RLS Consulting helps people sell, buy, and implement solutions for cyber risk.

Explain Cyber Risk To your Prospects

Sales people that can easily explain cyber risk sell more!

Cyber risk can be intimidating to you and your prospects, but it doesn’t have to be. Learn a better way to sell more cyber!

Understand how cyber risk impacts your business

Business leaders that understand cyber risk create more effective strategies.

Get unbiased perspectives on where to start and how to be most effective in reducing risks and meeting compliance.

Solve cyber risk challenges in today's insurance agency

Save yourself the struggle of figuring this out on your own.

Work with an experienced solution engineer to learn how to successfully implement a risk mitigation strategy and how to find the right vendor to close gaps.

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Recent Blog Posts

AI’s Impact on Cyber Risks

The AI buzz isn’t dying down! For Cybersecurity Awareness Month, we revisit this post from earlier this year with some small updates.


October 10, 2024

Mitigating Third-Party Security Risks

To function as a business today, we need technology. And the odds are pretty high that you get that technology from a third party.

It used to feel like you could just consider the other businesses’ reputation and take them on their word that you were safe from risks. Today, we know that’s not really how things work and we now need to do our due diligence in validating that trust we have in them. READ MORE »

October 2, 2024

Is the NPD Breach NBD? How Your SSN Is at Risk From This and Other Major Breaches

“No big deal!” Maybe this thought ran through your head after reading recent headlines about the National Public Data (NPD) being breached.

When big breaches like this are a regular headline, it’s easy to shrug it off. So I wouldn’t blame anyone for feeling that way.

Today, we’ll talk about what this means and share some tips on how to say, “No big deal!” to big breaches with a bit more confidence than just complacency.


August 28, 2024

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